Vocational Education and Training is shortened to VET. Students can undertake VET in schools. So VETIS means Vocation Education (and) Training in Schools (VETiS).
Students can undertake VET at school:as part of their school studies - delivered and resourced by a school registered training organisation (RTO) by enrolling in a qualification with an external RTO - funded either by the department's VET investment budget or through fee-for-service arrangements i.e. where the student or parent pays for the qualification as a school-based apprentice or trainee Visit https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/providers/funded/vetis.
The QLD Government VET Investment budgets funds some VETiS qualifications. Only Certificate I and II qualifications are funded for VETiS. Students can access the VETiS funding for one qualification only. Students who wish to undertake a funded certificate III qualification should do so through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT)—funding for a SAT is available under the User Choice program.